Glucksmann assures that Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister

Glucksmann assures that Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister
Glucksmann assures that Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister

The former head of the PS-Place publique list in the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann, affirmed Friday that “a union of the left” was “the only way” to prevent the victory of the National Rally in the legislative elections, thus validating the “ New Popular Front” despite its disagreements with La France insoumise.

Saying he understood that those who voted for him in the European elections “may feel betrayed”, Mr. Glucksmann assured France Inter that he had “obtained” “extremely clear commitments” on Ukraine, Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. .

The negotiations with its new allies “were an ideological balance of power”, but since Sunday and its nearly 14% which placed it ahead of the other left-wing parties, “there has been a reversal of the balance of power” and “the project has completely evolved on lines which are very far from what LFI has defended until now,” he added.

It is also for this reason that the leader of this union “will not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, because “we need a person who creates consensus” and “there are other figures infinitely more consensual” , underlined Mr. Glucksmann, citing the rebellious deputy François Ruffin, the socialists Boris Vallaud and Valérie Rabault, as well as the former leader of the CFDT Laurent Berger.

“I am not a candidate,” added Mr. Glucksmann, posing as “a guarantor so that (the) lines that have been laid down are respected.”

Determined to “block the road” to the RN, he spoke out “for a republican withdrawal” in the second round of the legislative elections, but “also so that we do not procrastinate when we are not there, to call for a vote against the opponent of the National Rally”.



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