find the topics and corrections this Friday, June 14

find the topics and corrections this Friday, June 14
find the topics and corrections this Friday, June 14

Objectives and content of the test

The test assesses the following skills and knowledge of the student:

  • Mastery of language and expression

  • Analysis and interpretation of texts

  • Mobilization of a literary culture

  • Construction of an argued reflection

Candidates have the choice between two types of writing assignments: a commentary or a contraction of text followed by an essay.

  • The comment focuses on a literary text linked to one of the subjects of study of the first year program. The candidate must write a structured assignment presenting their understanding of the reading, justifying their interpretations and personal judgments with precise analyses. The subject is formulated to guide the candidate in their work. The text proposed for the commentary is not taken from the works on the program and this written production is marked out of 20.
  • Text contractionbased on a text relating to a modern and contemporary form of the literature of ideas of approximately 750 words, is followed byA try on a theme linked to The literature of ideas from the 16th to the 18th century, each part is marked out of 10.

The French program for technological firsts

The subjects of the French baccalaureate test for students in the technological pathway relate to specific works and themes studied during the year.

Poetry from the 19th century to the 21st century

  • Rimbaud, Notebook of Douai/Course: creative emancipations
  • Ponge, The rage of expression/Itinerary: in the poet’s workshop
  • Hélène Dorion, My forests/Itinerary: poetry, nature, intimacy

The novel and the story from the Middle Ages to the 21st century

  • Abbé Prévost, Manon Lescaut/Journey: characters on the fringes
  • Balzac, Memoirs of two young brides/ Journey: reason and feelings
  • Colette, Sido followed by The Tendrils of the Vine/Course: celebration of the world

Theater from the 17th century to the 21st century

  • Molière, The Imaginary Sick/Course: show and comedy
  • Marivaux, The Island of Slaves/Course: masters and servants
  • Jean-Luc Lagarce, Just the End of the World/Course: personal crisis

The literature of ideas from the 16th century to the 18th century

  • Rabelais, Gargantua/Course: good education
  • La Bruyère, The Characters/Course: examining human nature
  • Olympe de Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of Women/Course: writing and fighting for equality

Consult the subjects of the French bac test 2024

To practice, you can already consult the subjects of the previous year while waiting for those of the 2024 baccalaureate session.

» Find all the subjects and answers to the advance written tests for the general baccalaureate on

Consult the answers to the 2024 French baccalaureate test

You will be able to consult the answers at the end of the anticipated French test.

» Find all the subjects and answers to the advance written tests for the technological baccalaureate on



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