Abidjan under water yesterday: Several neighborhoods and roads blocked by water

Abidjan under water yesterday: Several neighborhoods and roads blocked by water
Abidjan under water yesterday: Several neighborhoods and roads blocked by water

As announced by SODEXAM, through several alerts on its communication networks, heavy showers fell yesterday across the entire Abidjan district and its surroundings causing enormous damage. Particularly at the Riviera Palmeraie: flooding at the police station crossroads, Abidjan-Bingerville axis at the CIE crossroads, the road completely cut off to vehicles and users, rising water at the level of 9 kilos at the police station crossroads, Minister Street is not Moreover, this famous street, which has repeatedly undergone Herculean renovations, has not failed in its reputation.

Just yesterday, the area was impassable: Roads impassable. Distressing spectacle of vehicles under water, homes completely flooded. Faya, new tar, jules verne same show. Videos of young people who extracted a motorist, narrowly saved at the nine kilo intersection where road redevelopment work is underway. Whether in Yopougon, Adjamé, Abobo, Koumassi, Marcory, the rain left its aftermath in its wake.

The rain has once again exposed the many difficulties and failure of the water drainage system. The water drainage system in the city of Abidjan must be fundamentally redesigned. The constructions obstruct the water passages, which is a reality once again demonstrated with these heavy rains. In many neighborhoods, gutters continue to be dumping grounds for household waste. The season has only just begun so there will still be more damage to deal with




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