Flood in Mimika regency, 495 families affected

Flood in Mimika regency, 495 families affected
Flood in Mimika regency, 495 families affected

JAKARTA – Floods drenched I Yani District, Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province on Monday. At least two villages, namely East Asri Limau Village and Kampung I Yani of the district, were also affected by flooding caused by high-intensity rains that swept across Mimika Regency.

“Based on reports received by BNPB, until Friday June 14, the observed flooding has gradually receded. However, the incident affected 495 heads of households or 2,088 people,” said Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in his statement, Friday, June 14.

BPBD Mimika Regency dispatched a rapid response team (CVR) to conduct emergency treatment on site. The handlings carried out include coordination with village apparatuses, evacuation of residents, creation of refugee tents and distribution of logistical and material aid in the form of ready-to-eat food.

Until this news article is lowered, from the monitoring of the local BPBD team in the affected area, the flood with a water level of 20 to 50 centimeters gradually receded, Friday (14/6). However, in addition to still being on hold, BPBD and a joint team have begun cleaning up post-flood materials shared with residents.

To anticipate the potential for flooding again, BPBD, via a network of village devices, has appealed to residents to increase their vigilance and prepare to self-evacuate in the event of heavy rain. high intensity and fairly long duration.

Based on the weather forecast, the Mimika Regency area from noon to evening today will be hit by light rain with a wind speed of 20 km/h, as well as air temperatures ranging between 26 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius.

Tag: banjir mimika papua bnpb



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