Morbihan: after the death of his daughter, Jean-Pierre receives a very hefty bill

Morbihan: after the death of his daughter, Jean-Pierre receives a very hefty bill
Morbihan: after the death of his daughter, Jean-Pierre receives a very hefty bill


Aurélien Burban

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 4:00 a.m.

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Clearly, bad luck continues Jean-Pierre Le Saux. For around thirty years, this former resident of Pontivy assumed the role of family caregiver to his wife Yvette and daughter Sophie. The latter died in March 2024.

€65,000 to pay!

Even if he no longer has the status of family caregiver, this activity is now catching up Jean-Pierre Le Saux. On May 6, 2024, he received, via his notary, a hefty invoice from the Department of Morbihan : €65,568.62 !

This sum corresponds to the sum owed by his daughter accommodated by structures dependent on the Department. Between 1992 and 1996, she was housed at Crach’s CAT. Later, she passed through the Fam (Medical foster home) of Lorient. More recently, she was welcomed by a living center in Crachthe time during which Jean-Pierre Le Saux was operated on for cancer.

The incomprehension is total for the former family caregiver. Especially since he only received this bill after the death of his daughter.

I assure you: we were not aware that we owed so much. If we had known at the time, Sophie would have lived with me and my wife.

Jean-Pierre Le Saux, former family caregiver

“My daughter worked to get into debt”

“When Sophie was at the Fam day center, we paid €13.30 per day. We thought this was normal participation. »

Jean-Pierre Le Saux has done his calculations. In particular, the period between 1992 and 1996 during which Sophie was accommodated in Crach to be able to work at the CAT. The observation is edifying: €12,269 salary for €37,560 expenses !

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“Conclusion, my daughter worked to get into debt,” analyzes Jean-Pierre Le Saux. And specifies: “Sophie worked for nine months without income. The first salary was not received until November 1992.”

Another addition, that of 124 days of “respite” over ten years for Jean-Pierre Le Saux, including 24 days in hospital. Invoice amount : €16,369.33.

He does not want to pay this amount

Today, Jean-Pierre Le Saux refuses to pay the 65,000 euros.

I request a total exemption from the costs of temporary accommodation for a person with reduced mobility when the family caregiver must be hospitalized. I would like the same thing regarding these costs when a caregiver takes vacation, for a period of five weeks per year.

Jean-Pierre Le Saux, former family caregiver

Friday June 14, 2024, he has a meeting with a representative of the Department with a view to demanding accountability…

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