a murder case before the assizes

a murder case before the assizes
a murder case before the assizes

Postponed for three days, the 4th session of the Assize Court of the year opened this Thursday morning (June 13), in Basse-Terre, with a murder case.

In the accused box, a 44-year-old man, Jean-Edouard Marcellin, prosecuted for having on the night of August 15, 2021, in Le Gosier, fatally struck another man with several dozen cutlass blows.

The victim, Philippe Negrit, hosted the accused. They lived together in the same apartment. The court, made up of 3 magistrates and 6 jurors, will have to try to understand why the situation degenerated to the point of killing with 71 cutlass blows, 10 of which were fatal.

The trial scheduled for two days

What relationship did the two men have? Why did they argue on the night of August 15, 2021? Who attacked the other first? What led the accused to burn two vehicles and grab a cutlass? And why so much persistence?

So many questions await answers during the two days that the trial will last, which risks straining the sensitivity of the jurors, not necessarily prepared to see such an atrocity. Photos of the drama should be shown.

Note that to date, Jean-Edouard Marcellin’s criminal record is clean. He did not appear to be depressed on the night of the incident and he was not under the influence of any product or substance.



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