Is a new dissolution of the National Assembly possible after the summer?

Is a new dissolution of the National Assembly possible after the summer?
Is a new dissolution of the National Assembly possible after the summer?


Legislative: Macron reveals his battle plan

After the thunderclap of dissolution, Emmanuel Macron reveals his battle plan on Wednesday in order to try to wrest a “clear majority” for the rest of the five-year term and counter the National Rally, at the gates of power. The president, who had promised to return very quickly to the French after his surprise decision on Sunday to dissolve the National Assembly on the evening of catastrophic European elections for his camp, is giving a press conference at 11 a.m. at the Pavillon Cambon Capucines in Paris.”J “I’m going to win,” he insisted in Le Figaro Magazine, saying he wanted to “reach out to all those who are ready to come and govern” with him and ruling out any resignation whatever the outcome of the vote. .18 days before the first round, on June 30, the major maneuvers have already begun with the rallying of the leader of the Republicans Eric Ciotti to the National Rally and the decision of the left forces to unite within a “Republican Front” .At LR, the psychodrama opened by Mr. Ciotti’s announcement must continue on Wednesday, with the convening by the N.2 of the party Annie Genevard of an exceptional executive office, followed by a press conference.The president of the RN Jordan Bardella, who will become Prime Minister if his party wins the evening of the second round on July 7, and the leading figure of the party Marine Le Pen intend to ride on their historic victory on Sunday with 31.37% of the votes to succeed the union of the rights.Emmanuel Macron hopes for his part to rally the LR who reject this union, as well as the social democrats who are resistant to any alliance with the Insoumis of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. – “Outstretched hand” -What part does Emmanuel Macron play? will he take in the campaign? What steps is he ready to take towards the LR and the center-left? What if the RN arrived in Matignon? So many questions await him on Wednesday morning. In the meantime, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, discreet since the announcement of the dissolution, announced Tuesday evening on TF1 that he was going to “lead the campaign” of the presidential camp. Several executives from the majority wanted him to be at the forefront of the campaign rather than Emmanuel Macron whose unpopularity has already been heavily sanctioned among Europeans. Former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, president of Horizons, also judged “not completely healthy ” that the president gets too involved, pointing out in passing the “anger” aroused in public opinion by the dissolution and the “considerable risk of seeing the RN come to power”. By crossing the Rubicon of an alliance with the far right, the boss of the Republicans has unleashed a torrent of indignation well beyond his camp. “Eric Ciotti signs the Munich agreements and brings dishonor to the Gaullist family,” reacted Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. – Stronger disunited – Conversely, Marine Le Pen praised “the courageous choice” and “the sense of responsibility” of the president of the Republicans, and hoped “that a significant number of LR executives would follow him”. The alliance project with Eric Zemmour’s Reconquest, on the other hand, fizzled out. The RN “refuses the very principle of an agreement” with Reconquête so as not to be “associated” with Eric Zemmour, lamented Marion Maréchal, also niece of Marine Le Pen. The four main left-wing parties (LFI, PS, Ecologists , PCF), as well as the Place publique movement of Raphaël Glucksmann and Générations, call for “single candidacies from the first round”. But the choice of a leader remains unresolved. The Mélenchon case, accused in particular of ambiguities on the question of anti-Semitism, tense part of the left. In the meantime, the RN, continuing its dynamic, garners 35% of voting intentions in the first round of the legislative elections, i.e. more than in the European elections (31.37 %), according to an Ifop-Fiducial survey for LCI, Le Figaro and Sud Radio presented on Tuesday. The left is credited with a better score if it leaves in dispersed order (32%) than united (25%). The presidential majority, on the other hand, would do better against a united left (18%) than a divided one (16%). bur-vl/jmt/or/lgo



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