Françoise Hardy, rebellious melancholy: the tribute of Laurence Benaïm

Françoise Hardy, rebellious melancholy: the tribute of Laurence Benaïm
Françoise Hardy, rebellious melancholy: the tribute of Laurence Benaïm

“Salone through the streets, the soul in pain” or “heart of flint”, Françoise Hardy, it is a voice, a style, an inconsolable allure. When I think of her, I think of a moving line, irreducible to the yé-yés beside which she appears liberated, free, tracing her path, with an independence beyond time, her rebellious melancholy, her air eternally in the wind that speaks to us about feelings.

Hardy, far from the booms and the crowds. Melodies in chiaroscuro that illuminate the truth, between dog and wolf, never asserted, but transmitted like a shared secret. And on June 12, this “Goodbye my big one” by Jean-Marie Périer written in tearful ink on his Instagram account, a complicity of almost sixty years, is it possible, but yes. Everything in these images, in these looks, p…

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