Here is the very healthy ingredient to consume every day to reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Here is the very healthy ingredient to consume every day to reduce the appearance of wrinkles
Here is the very healthy ingredient to consume every day to reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Dermatologists often emphasize that diet has an impact on skin cells. If you drink a lot, your skin will be much more hydrated than that of someone who doesn’t drink enough, for example. It also turns out that certain very specific foods can have significant effects on your skin. This is the case… of almonds ! In addition to being a very healthy food, they have other unsuspected benefits.

According to a study carried out in 2021 and published in the scientific journal MDPI Journals, these dried fruits, consumed in a certain quantity daily, prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and help reduce their appearance. Scientists from the University of California at Davis looked into the subject, analyzing the epidermis of a group of 56 postmenopausal women, aged 47 to 84, for two years. At the end of 24 weeks, the almond eaters had wrinkles whose average depth was significantly lower (about 16% less) than those of the women who did not eat them.

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To see the effects of almonds on your skin, you would need to consume 400 calories of this dried fruit every day, which corresponds to three handles. So this is an excellent idea for a snack or appetite suppressant!



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