The mail no longer arrives because of the seagulls which attack the postmen and their fluorescent overalls

The mail no longer arrives because of the seagulls which attack the postmen and their fluorescent overalls
The mail no longer arrives because of the seagulls which attack the postmen and their fluorescent overalls

Postman is a risky job at the moment in the county of Cornwall, on the southwest tip of England. The fluorescent vest of Royal Mail employees has become a target. And the threat comes from the sky…

Air attacks

Lately, as reported by the Daily Mail, seagulls have been swooping down to attack postal workers in Liskeard, a town of around 10,000 inhabitants. So much so that on June 20, the public company addressed residents to justify the difficulties in honoring the delivery of mail within reasonable time limits.

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“The presence of seagulls throwing themselves at the staff” is put forward by the local representative of the Royal Mail, who suggests two options to the locals while waiting for calm to return: be patient or provide an alternative address. “Rest assured that we will monitor the situation daily with a view to resuming normal service for you and your neighbor”explains the company, which does not wish to put postmen at any risk: “We place the highest priority on the safety of our employees”.

“The same seagulls” for years

A Liskeard resident noticed that lately, “all municipal employees are running for their lives”. According to the Royal Mail, birds do this to protect their young. The postmen and their fluorescent overalls are visibly considered a threat. “We have had the same seagulls nesting for several years, since I have been here. They are always the same”, underlines the local resident. This seems to be the first year that these seagulls have been aggressive. “It made me laugh”, she admits. Not at all sure that the postmen are having so much fun with the situation…

In France, a year ago, a passerby was injured in the middle of Paris by a particularly aggressive and insistent crow. The victim was left with four stitches…

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