Kate Middleton’s right arm is becoming much more than that: the Princess of Wales has her back and she’s right at the moment!

Kate Middleton’s right arm is becoming much more than that: the Princess of Wales has her back and she’s right at the moment!
Kate Middleton’s right arm is becoming much more than that: the Princess of Wales has her back and she’s right at the moment!

The ax has fallen. On March 22, in a video posted on social networks during the evening, Kate Middleton revealed to the world that she had cancer after long weeks of speculation regarding her state of health. It is now with the greatest discretion that the mother of George, 10 years old, Charlotte, 8 years old and Louis, 6 years old, continues her preventive chemotherapy treatment. She is not completely completely cut off from the world, however. In any case, she can count on the support of several people : her family, obviously, but also her personal assistant who has become much more than that.

For several years now, Kate Middleton has placed her trust in the person of Natasha Archer. This young, blonde and dynamic woman, married to royal photographer Chris Jackson, proved that Kate and William could trust her. And in this difficult time when they are relying more than ever on discretion, the Prince and Princess of Wales have found the solution to keep her close to them.

Natasha Archer promoted by Kate and William

Proud to have her as part of the bodyguard, Kate and William made the decision to elevate her to the rank of first private assistant. It was thanks to his recently updated LinkedIn profile that the promotion was discovered by the Daily Mail. And suffice to say that this new position is amply justified: “She deserves this boost, she is always discreet and faithful to Kate” indicates a Source. Natasha Archer has been particularly present in recent weeks. It was she who collected the princess from the London Clinic after her abdominal operation and who was complicit in her travels.

Among Kate and William’s other trusted people is the nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo. The latter attended one of the most prestigious schools in the field: Norland College, known for training the best nannies in the world. It is not for nothing that she has been working with the couple for more than 10 years now. Her devotion and sense of service pays off as Maria Borrallo hits the jackpot at the end of each month. A hell of a budget, certainly, but one that allows Kate and William to buy some peace of mind. And that, among the Windsors, is priceless.



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