Urgent – ​​Cancellation of the budgetary orientation debate session at the National Assembly: the reasons revealed

Urgent – ​​Cancellation of the budgetary orientation debate session at the National Assembly: the reasons revealed
Urgent – ​​Cancellation of the budgetary orientation debate session at the National Assembly: the reasons revealed

Sidy Mohamet

June 29, 2024 at 11:35

Deputy Cheikh Abdou Mbacké Bara Dolly announced that the budget orientation debate in the National Assembly was cancelled following the meeting of the National Assembly bureau. According to him, this decision stems from the fact that the Prime Minister, Ousmane Sonko, does not recognise this Assembly. Consequently, the bureau deemed it useless to hold this debate that the Minister of Finance was to chair.

During this emergency meeting called this morning at 9 a.m., the office decided that, since the Prime Minister does not recognize the National Assembly, it would be inconsistent to send one of his ministers to debate before an assembly that he does not recognize. This cancellation of the budgetary orientation debate, scheduled for Saturday June 29, reflects the dominant position of opposition deputies within the office of the National Assembly.

The deputy told Senego that the National Assembly was to finish its work on June 30 and take its vacation from that date. However, it can meet in extraordinary session in July. Thus, the budgetary orientation debate for the year 2024 had to be held before this date. Cheikh Abdou Mbacké Bara Dolly strongly criticizes this situation, emphasizing that the absence of this debate before June 30 will be felt by the Senegalese, because there will be no budgetary adjustment impacting their daily lives.

It is important to note that Ousmane Sonko has never claimed not to recognize the National Assembly. He simply indicated that he could not make a general policy declaration in the absence of legal texts governing this declaration. He decided not to make this statement until the National Assembly amended its internal regulations to include the Prime Minister’s passage.

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