Tiercé Quarté Quinté of yesterday > arrival, results and reports

Tiercé Quarté Quinté of yesterday > arrival, results and reports
Tiercé Quarté Quinté of yesterday > arrival, results and reports

Inside the “Courses” tab, the “ Quinté Yesterday “, on which you are located, offers you all the details of arrivals and horse racing reports disputed the day before. As on our “Today” and “Tomorrow” pages, the yesterday’s quinté race is clearly identified (most of the time within meeting 1) by a red insert dedicated to the famous bet, which consists of finding the first five horses in the exact order of arrival. Year after year, certain horse races and therefore certain prizes systematically serve as quinté support for the organizing companies, the PMU and other operators.

A quinté per day, most of the time during Meeting 1

Historically, a quinté is contested every day from 1erJanuary to December 31, regardless of whether it is contested trotin flat or in obstacle and parent companies (France Gallop And LeTrot) organize the quinté in a horse race from the moment the event brings together between thirteen horses minimum and often sixteen runners, sometimes eighteen and rarely twenty. Rare exceptions exist, however, and certain quintés have been run in the past with twelve starters registered on the starting line, which mathematically facilitates the development of the prognosis. Since the start of 2012, bettors have also had the opportunity to play Pick 5. The aim of this bet is slightly different from that of quinté since it involves find the top five in a horse race without notion of exact order of arrival. The quinté and the Pick 5 are organized in events, regardless of the price of the race, but always in PMU events where the experts of ParisTurf give their opinion.

Result of yesterday’s quinté: reports specific to each operator

The “paris-turf.com” site allows you to select your preferred operator and therefore to know the odds and reports of the horse racing betting operator of your choice. PMUPMU.fr and Genybet were the first three betting operators to communicate their odds and reports to the “paris-turf.com” site since its online launch in the second half of 2021. If we plays Quinté+ on the first two sites, Genybet offers to find the Top 5, based on the same principle. THE reports are online a few minutes after each test, and this on a daily basis. There are several ranks of reports for theQuinté+ from PMU : order, disorder, Bonus 4 and Bonus 3. To touch the Bonuses 4 and Bonus 3, you must at least have found the first three horses of the quinté. The price of a quinté ticket is 2 euros at PMU.

Watch the video replay and read the italics to better analyze the result of yesterday’s quinté

Since the end of 2021, the replay of the quinté races enriches our interface in order to provide the bettor with all the elements to understand and analyze the progress as well as the outcome of a quinté support event in particular. In addition to the video replay, our traditional italics (commentary specific to each horse written after the race) are at your disposal on “ paris-turf.com “. When you consult the result of yesterday’s quinté, you have the choice ofdisplay italics for a horse in particular or to display all italics by checking the “Show all comments” button, next to the results table and close to the replay of the event. This way, you have access to the details of all racing horses. Note that the coats of all the horses are illustrated inside the starters tables to allow each punter to better follow their horse during the race as well as during the rebroadcast of the event and thus take valuable notes which will allow you to reach a quinté in order over the coming weeks.

All the information on the result of yesterday’s quinté

Once a race has arrived, there are a whole bunch of details for the racer to study. Drivers, trainers, mileage reductions, prices, finishing gaps, weight, ground conditions, odds, tricks, etc. “Go back to bet better” could be the motto of this “Yesterday” page because a racing analyst is a winning racing enthusiast! Our site allows you to study and better understand the behavior of certain horses in an event to even better anticipate their next outings on the track… and therefore to make better predictions.

Reports from yesterday’s quinté

Below the results table for each race, you will discover the reports of the different operators taking bets on the events in question. Under the quinté race, the PMU.fr reportsof Genybet and PMU are thus displayed in this order. If the three operators offer several similar types of bets (single win and single place games, coupled win and place games, 2sur4), some differ from one betting operator to another. Thus, the two PMU entities propose to play Quarté+ when Genybet puts its Top 4 online. The same goes for the Quinté+ and the Top 5. Genybet also offers a Coupled order in the quinté, a Trio and a Trio order. The “Greens” offer the traditional Tiercé.
Thus, the reports vary from one event to another, depending on the operator selected and the number of bets offered.
From 1erJanuary 2000 to 1erJanuary 2022, thirteen quintés posted a report in the exact order of arrival greater than 500,000 euros. During this period, the prize went to Longines Handicap of the National Day ran on July 14, 2019 and which displayed 843,764.40 euros for 1 euro of quinté in order in the hard network of the PMU. That day, the top five were 38/1, 6/1, 36/1, 36/1 and 6/1.
Over this same period, our study shows that only one Pick 5 passed the bar. 100,000 euros for 1 euro. It was June 6, 2013 on the Saint-Cloud racecourse. The Pick 5 organized in the Prix du Tremblay thus showed 118,248.90 euros for 1 euro, in particular thanks to the presence of the winner, Smoky City, offered at odds of 35/1. For the record, the ratio of this event was particularly high since there were nineteen starters (minus one withdrawal) in this competition organized on the flat.

And even the weather can be found in the results of yesterday’s quinté

Among the information available for the quinté and all other events, on our “Yesterday” page, the weather proves to be valuable information since it influences the state of the ground, which is part of the decisive information to know before galloping events, especially when they take place on the grass. This weather forecast can be found on the line of the name of thehippodromein presentation, on the right, but also inside each “Race information” section present on the right of thetable of quinté starters or results. To go into more detail, our site also offers you wind speed and direction.



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