(Exclusive) The Red Devils’ secret weapon: “Yes, you could say that I’m in the shape of my life…” – Tout le football

Leandro Trossard arrives at Euro 2024 riding the wave of his superb season with Arsenal. Can he make it shine through with the Red Devils? He intends to.

Leandro Trossard (29 years old) probably had the season of his life with Arsenal, becoming much more of a scorer than a passer (46 games, 17 goals) and contributing to the Gunners’ exceptional 2023-2024 campaign. In the selection, he also shines, with a superb goal against Luxembourg and a status very different from the Martinez era.

Leandro, Declan Rice recently said he is still not over the disappointment of missing out on the title with Arsenal. And that the only way to get over it was to win the Euro with England.

Of course, they will be among the favorites, the pressure will be on them. The best way to bounce back is always to win matches, it’s true. Belgium has done very well in these last two matches, and we will arrive at Euro 2024 in a good state of mind. Anything can happen there.

But you, are you no longer thinking about this disappointment in the Premier League?

I think you can’t live too much in the past. It happened, that’s it. I think we played an absolutely fantastic second half of the season. Normally, that should have been enough to get first place… but of course, we know that with City up against us, we are up against one of, if not the best team in the world.

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It’s hard to swallow but now my focus is on Euro 2024 with Belgium, and let’s hope we can achieve something beautiful.

We have the impression that this tournament is just a bonus, the first time since 2016 that Belgium is no longer cited among the favorites…

It’s true, during the last tournaments, everyone cited us among the favorites. And now we have such a good team, so much talent… Everyone is working hard, trying to pull each other out. A big tournament is a moment when the whole team is united: we can achieve it, I believe.

Is this the best period of your career? Holder in PL and close to the title, regular holder with Belgium…

Yes, you can say I’m in the shape of my life. I’m playing really well at the moment, it’s true. At Arsenal, I reached a certain level surrounded by a great team, great players. And this is also the case here, it clearly makes my job easier! But yes, I feel good, very good physically too. I am very impatient for this Euro.



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