2024 elections: “A difficult day for political ecology”, admits Jean-Marc Nollet

2024 elections: “A difficult day for political ecology”, admits Jean-Marc Nollet
2024 elections: “A difficult day for political ecology”, admits Jean-Marc Nollet

This June 9 will mark “a difficult day for political ecology” in Wallonia, in Brussels but also in Europe, declared the co-president of Ecolo Jean-Marc Nollet on Sunday evening. Even if the results remain partial in Wallonia, the party recognizes “with lucidity and humility” that it is among those defeated in the election.

The first results of the federal and regional elections are proving painful for Ecolo. The Greens recorded a significant decline in Wallonia and Brussels, far from their 2019 score.
Alongside co-president Rajae Maouane, Jean-Marc Nollet described “a disappointment” in front of environmental activists. “The result does not live up to our expectations, our hopes, nor the challenges we carry“, did he declare.

Candidate for the Chamber in Hainaut, the ecologist pointed out the “virtual absence of ecology in the media” during the electoral campaign and a “conservative offensive” directed against the Greens. “Our program has been caricatured, our achievements denied at best, too often diverted, exploited“, he said. “Throughout this campaign, we had to face the wind and the algorithms in our paws..”

Ecolo will take the time to analyze the results in the coming days before drawing any conclusions, “without pretense but also without unnecessary exaggeration“, added his co-president. The party aims to bounce back before the new electoral meeting next October.

► Direct – 2024 Elections: the PTB triumphant, the MR too, disillusionment for Ecolo, the PS puts things into perspective (video and results)

Belga – Images: RTBF



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