Here is what we know about the first electoral results in Flanders

Here is what we know about the first electoral results in Flanders
Here is what we know about the first electoral results in Flanders

Lhe first results for the Flemish Parliament have been published by the FPS Interior. The N-VA maintains its first place with a very slight progression, Vlaams Belang takes more than three percentage points but remains behind.

The votes of approximately half of the offices were counted around 6:30 p.m. Based on 50.23% of offices, Bart De Wever’s N-VA is not crushed, on the contrary. She gains a few tenths of a percentage point and remains the first party, at 25.22%. Vlaams Belang is getting closer, at 21.93% (+3.43).

Vooruit (at 13.6%, +3.46) and PTB (8.9%, +3.58) are gaining ground, CD&V (12.76%, -2.64), Groen (7.36%, -2.75) and Open Vld (7.73%, -5.41) are losing weight.

In some provinces, we already know the complete results of several cantons. This is the case in Limburg where 6 cantons out of 15 have already carried out the counting.

Vlaams Belang is in the lead with almost 25% (24.9%), the N-VA follows at 23.8%. For Vlaams Belang, this is a jump of almost 5 percentage points compared to the 2019 regional elections. The CD&V is third, with 16.31% of the vote, ahead of Vooruit, at 12.49%. In Limburg, Groen (4.86%) does not pass the electoral threshold, according to these partial results. The Open Vld has just passed this milestone (5.88%), overtaken by the communists of the PTB (9.70%).



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