Gas, unemployment benefits, shrinkflation, savings… here’s everything that will change on July 1st

Gas, unemployment benefits, shrinkflation, savings… here’s everything that will change on July 1st
Gas, unemployment benefits, shrinkflation, savings… here’s everything that will change on July 1st

Several new features are expected at the start of July. New savings plan for young people, increase in the consumer price of gas, new decree on shrinkflation, revaluation of unemployment insurance, simplification of the DPE and new mandatory safety equipment on vehicles are on the program. The changes will also affect rural areas.

French consumers will learn more about the prices of products offered to them in supermarkets from July 1st. These large stores will have to display a sign on all products that have undergone a reduction in quantity without this being deducted from the sale price. This practice is known as “shrinkflation” or “reducing”. Legal, but it conceals a price increase on the product concerned. It should also be noted that the obligation to display the price of products per kilo or per liter is already in effect. Reacting to this new development, the Supermarket owners believe that This obligation to display this practice should concern, first and foremost, producers.

Still on July 1, the calculation of the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) of housing should be reviewed. This change in the methods for establishing this mandatory assessment when selling or renting a property will concern housing with a surface area equal to or less than 40 m². The 140,000 owners of the latter will thus be able to leave the category of type F and G housing (energy sieves) which will gradually fall into the sales ban. Also, DPEs carried out between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2024 on housing of this size will be able to benefit from a certificate of the new DPE label. This document can be downloaded from the website of the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe).

Tax exemptions for businesses

Still on the subject of good news, it should be noted that the reform of rural revitalization zones (ZRR) comes into force on July 1 with a new zoning called “France Ruralités Revitalisation”. Intended to strengthen the attractiveness of rural areas, this new zoning will affect 17,700 municipalities and 13 departments which will also be fully zoned.

It should also be noted that mountain areas will be affected on a case-by-case basis. In addition to the tax and social security exemptions that companies that set up there will benefit from, this new zoning should also help to strengthen the presence of doctors and other medical and paramedical specialties in rural areas.

Unemployment insurance benefit revalued, gas prices increase

The revaluation of the unemployment insurance benefit will increase, for its part, by 1.2% on July 1. The National Interprofessional Union for Employment in Industry and Commerce (Unédic) estimates the number of job seekers affected at 2 million out of a total of around 2.7 million. The conditions of access to compensation must, for their part, undergo a first tightening in December 2024, according to the government. A tightening which will concern, among other things, the period of activity which must be 8 months worked out of the last 20 to be able to be compensated, whereas now, you must have worked 6 months out of the last 24.

Furthermore, in terms of road safety, you should know that, like high-end cars, all new vehicles and vans sold in Europe must be equipped with safety equipment from July 7. Also, when this obligation comes into force, the vehicles concerned must be equipped with speed adapters according to the limitations, lane-keeping assistance, radar or reversing cameras, loss of vehicle warning systems. attention and a “black box”.

July 1 will also be marked by the arrival of a new savings plan. Intended for young people under 21, the Future Climate Savings Plan (PEAC) aims to put the savings of the youngest at the service of the ecological transition. With a ceiling set at 22,950 euros, savings will be blocked until the holder reaches the age of majority. Finally, July does not only bring good news, because the 1st of the month, precisely, will see the consumer price of gas increase by 11.7% compared to June.



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