LIVE VIDEO. American presidential election: follow our special show

Home stretch for America! This Tuesday, American citizens decide whether Kamala Harris or Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States. A crucial moment that we invite you to follow live with our teams.

Join us from 6 a.m. so you don't miss anything about this American election. | ROBERTO SCHMIDT, DAVID BECKER


  • Join us from 6 a.m. so you don't miss anything about this American election. | ROBERTO SCHMIDT, DAVID BECKER

À l’aube de ce mercredi, l’Amérique fait face à un tournant décisif. Qui, de Kamala Harris, la vice-présidente actuelle, ou de Donald Trump, l’ancien président, remportera la Maison-Blanche ? L’enjeu est immense, et la campagne a tenu les citoyens américains comme le reste du monde en haleine jusqu’à la dernière minute. Cette élection pourrait se jouer pour quelques dizaines de milliers de voix seulement, dans sept États clés.

For this special occasion, Ouest- is offering you an exceptional live video from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. this Wednesday morning. Our mobilized journalists will bring you the announcements of results and the reactions of the candidates in real time. Analyzes, decryptions and testimonies will follow one another to understand the issues at stake in this election.

Regular info points between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m.

On the program for this show hosted by Alice Daudrix and Émile Benech: reactions and analysis, summary of the key moments of the campaign and first analyzes of the results. Join us from 6 a.m. so you don't miss anything about this American election.



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