A man stabbed to death in a street in Orléans

A 53-year-old man of Russian nationality died from his injuries during the night from Saturday to Sunday, the victim of a stabbing attack on rue du Fil-Soie in Orléans.

It was around 11:45 p.m., Saturday June 8, when a motorist, returning home, went up rue du Fil-Soie, in the Argonne district, in Orléans. She then distinguishes, in the light of the street lamps, a man lying on the sidewalk, near a manhole. The victim — a 53-year-old man — was stabbed several times.

“She knocked on all the doors, she was panicked, it was she who called the firefighters. She had time to see another man running away,” says a local resident, who lives about ten meters away. of the scene of the attack.

“With my neighbor who is a nurse, we did what was necessary while waiting for help to arrive: cardiac massage, compression point and survival blanket. He was conscious, but he was losing a lot of blood. At one point, we saw his eyes freeze, he was leaving”, relates this father, still marked by the events of the night.

Russian nationality

According to this witness, the victim, who did not speak in French, but in Spanish, then presented at least three wounds, one on the side and the other near the shoulder. Despite the efforts of firefighters and Smur to resuscitate and stabilize him, he succumbed to his injuries shortly after. His death was noted upon his arrival at Orléans University Hospital, around 1:30 a.m.

According to our information, the man, a Russian national, born in Georgia, was seeking asylum. He was obviously unknown in the neighborhood. “A few minutes before the attack, we heard him going down the street, he was speaking loudly on the phone, in Spanish. But we did not hear a cry,” relates this resident who was in her garden at the time of the events .

The judicial police seized

“We’ve been asking ourselves a lot of questions since last night. Is this a settling of scores? Is this a “transaction” that went wrong? Did he bump into a guy disturbed? Here, nothing ever happens, it’s usually very, very calm,” explains this resident.

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, a large police force was deployed in the neighborhood to try to find the attacker(s). The Orléans judicial police were seized of the investigations.

Violent attack with a hatchet in Loiret: a 56-year-old man indicted and incarcerated

Alexandre Charrier



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