LIVE – War in Ukraine: “France and its deputies are at your side,” declares Yaël Braun-Pivet to Zelenski

LIVE – War in Ukraine: “France and its deputies are at your side,” declares Yaël Braun-Pivet to Zelenski
LIVE – War in Ukraine: “France and its deputies are at your side,” declares Yaël Braun-Pivet to Zelenski

“Instrumentalization”, “displaced”… Oppositions point the finger at Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit

For the first time since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, in February 2022, the Ukrainian president will speak before the French National Assembly. A visit which is not unanimous among the oppositions, two days before the vote for the European elections.

“I am delighted to welcome Mr. Zelensky to the Assembly”, assured Marine Le Pen on Wednesday. Without being able to help but view this invitation, launched just two days before the European elections, with suspicion. [Il] is always welcome but [cela intervient] on Friday, a few hours before the end of the campaign, the last day of useful electoral campaign, at the last moment… We received an SMS to learn that last evening”condemned the president of the National Rally (RN) deputies. “It’s a desire to manipulate opinion,” she insisted. The member for Pas-de-Calais thus denounced the“instrumentalization” of the conflict in Ukraine by Emmanuel Macron.

Olivier Marleix, president of the LR deputies, June 3, 2024.

The president of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix, for his part, judged “displaced” to invite, to “48 hours” European elections, “President Zelensky to come and speak to the Assembly”once again accusing Emmanuel Macron of “parasitize” the European debate. “This obviously does not take away from our support for the Ukrainians”he clarified.

“We are not here to applaud a president of another power, without having a moment to debate what France should do”, said LFI MP Manuel Bompard on BFMTV. “That France welcomes the Ukrainian president, that seems normal to me, But if it’s to fuel the go-to-war speeches a few hours before the election, it’s serious”for his part estimated the communist Fabien Roussel.



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