A car park behind the station in 2027, direct access in 2030

A car park behind the station in 2027, direct access in 2030
A car park behind the station in 2027, direct access in 2030

A silo car park with 800 spaces will open its doors on rue du rempart in 2027. At the end of May, the local press extensively relayed the announcement made by the Eurométropole de Strasbourg (EMS), the Grand Est Region and four different SNCF entities . The communities and the railway company are proud to end decades of inaction on opening the station to 360 degrees. But in their communication, the project leaders remain discreet on an essential question: how to transport passengers between the silo car park, the bus station and Strasbourg central station?
A connection scenario between the car park and the station is based on the use of the postal tunnel, located in front of the terminus of line C.

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