A new ship expected from Sunday in Beninese waters – La Nouvelle Tribune

Exports of Nigerien crude oil via Benin symbolize a strategic recovery after diplomatic tensions temporarily interrupted transit between the two countries. Indeed, a political crisis in Niger led Benin to temporarily suspend its transit agreements, which had an impact on oil exports. The situation has been restored, particularly with the pipeline connecting Agadem to the Benin terminal of Sème-Podjiwhich has resumed its activities for the mutual benefit of both countries.

A few days ago, the tanker « Pertamina Halmahera » left Sèmè-Podji with a cargo of around 130,000 tonnes of Nigerien crudemarking a turning point in the return to normal trade. The next stage of this collaboration will continue on November 3 with the arrival of the “Nordic Harrier”, which should transport 13,000 tonnes of Nigerian crudeconfirming the stability of the partnership. This operation is not only symbolic but strategic: it illustrates the capacity of the two countries to harmonize their economic interests while consolidating their infrastructures.

Benin is thus positioning itself as a hub for Nigerien exports, consolidating a bilateral relationship based on hydrocarbon trade. For Niamey, this transit opportunity represents a crucial asset in a context of diversification of its export routes, while Benin derives significant economic benefits, underlining the importance of the Sèmè-Podji terminal as an oil hub in Africa. the West.



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