talk about it with your cardiologist or general practitioner

talk about it with your cardiologist or general practitioner
talk about it with your cardiologist or general practitioner

This is confirmed by Dr. Martin Leroy — sports cardiologist at the Saint-Luc Bouge Clinic where adapted services allow patients to return to activity in complete safety. : “We must encourage an activity of 30 minutes per day. Moderate activity, a brisk walk while being a little out of breath: this is recommended even when you suffer from a chronic illness. When you suffer from heart disease, there may be contraindications to more intense physical activity. But it depends from case to case and the cardiologist can discuss it with the patient and carry out a complete assessment. It is obviously also necessary to take into account cardiovascular risk factors: hypertension, cholesterol, smoking, take into account family history and genetic aspects in terms of prevention. We can do a stress test. It is said that it is always a good idea to consult a cardiologist from the age of 35 for men and 40 for women if you want to engage in intense physical activity. »

Resumption of sport must be accompanied by a suitable diet, as Laurie Berger, dietician, reminds us: “Above all, you need a balanced diet and good hydration (water is the only essential drink, 1.5 liters per day). but also a little tea, coffee, infusion, we avoid sodas, alcohol…). You need a colorful diet, rich in fiber and antioxidants. »




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