Verviers: seven years in prison required for attempted murder of his ex-wife

Verviers: seven years in prison required for attempted murder of his ex-wife
Verviers: seven years in prison required for attempted murder of his ex-wife

A man, born in 1989, is accused of trying to kill his ex-wife by stabbing her twice. One at the level of the right shoulder and a second at the level of the neck. For the public prosecutor, the location of the wounds and the depth of one of them testify to the desire to kill. If he admits to having given her these blows, while she refused to let him look into her smartphone, he denies any intention to kill her.

The defendant is also being prosecuted for a series of other offenses including assault and battery, degrading treatment and even insults against three of his eight children.

One of the young girls reported being beaten, spat at and insulted by her father who regularly called her a “whore”. In her statements, she also confirms that the children and their mother are regularly subjected to beatings but also death threats.

For these facts, which it describes as extremely serious, the public prosecutor is demanding a sentence of 7 years in prison.

On the defense side, we immediately request the reclassification of attempted murder as intentional assault and battery. The lawyer also highlights the difficult context with members of the ex-wife’s family who were guilty of an attempted murder of the defendant several years ago.

The difference in culture is also highlighted by the defense lawyer to explain the machismo and violence that the defendant can display.

She asks the court to grant him a probationary reprieve rather than sentencing him to prison.

Judgment on June 14.



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