“Radio interviews are a format that I like”, or how Georges-Louis Bouchez envisages radio mornings

“Radio interviews are a format that I like”, or how Georges-Louis Bouchez envisages radio mornings
“Radio interviews are a format that I like”, or how Georges-Louis Bouchez envisages radio mornings

Although he says he does not count the number of his appearances on morning radio shows, Georges-Louis Bouchez does not hide his particular appreciation for the exercise. “It’s a format that I like,” he tells us.

Georges-Louis Bouchez, closely followed by Jean-Marc Nollet, the most invited personality on radio morning shows just before the June 2024 elections

How does he explain why he is invited so often? “I’m at the heart of the news.” And when we mention the strategy of scarcity of speech by party presidents, he immediately dismisses it: “There are some who do not take responsibility, who refuse debates. Even the President of the French Republic has abandoned this strategy of rarely speaking.”

Georges-Louis Bouchez trapped on Bel RTL: “The position of 1st is slipping away from you…” (video)

More than ever, the president of the MR considers himself guarantor of his party’s line. “Each file is followed from the beginning, I make sure to have the most up-to-date information possible, I have to know everything. I listen a lot, I am often in the field, I benefit from meetings…” Enough to reinforce his image of the president who knows his files.


“With morning shows, we reach an audience that is not always politicized

Georges-Louis Bouchez likes morning formats and above all he knows that these morning radio appearances offer significant exposure. The Montois speaks of them as “communication levers”, which allow him “to set a tempo”. The objective being that his appearance on the air translates into “a Belga” (a dispatch from the Belga press agency). “With morning shows, we reach an audience which is not always politicized, which does not take the step, for example of turning on the TV to follow a program or a debate.” And not only on the most important channels in the Belgian landscape. “I did a debate on Fun Radio and I got some feedback…”

This article is part of a series dedicated to our barometer of radio morning guests.



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