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Beaumont-sur-Sarthe. School at the heart of Citizens’ Day

Beaumont-sur-Sarthe. School at the heart of Citizens’ Day
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe. School at the heart of Citizens’ Day

This is the first time that the municipality organized a citizens’ day at a public school. The objective of the day was to beautify the premises and the courtyard.

It’s a painting day only. It was the town hall that provided the paint to beautify our public school begins Sébastien Le Cocguen, municipal councilor, in charge of education and school life. The school yard regained color after the passage of around thirty volunteers who came this Saturday morning. Everyone present has a connection with the school, children who attend there have even come alone without their parents to help out. We drew and painted patterns on the ground in the yard. The benches also benefited from our brushes. We are happy to see that there were many volunteers. We didn’t expect so much continues the chosen one. Members of the Florence-Aubenas Parents’ Association thanked those present with a friendly drink and took the opportunity to talk about the facilities and accessories at the school. A parent of a student volunteered to dig a pit which will soon accommodate gravel. Rather than a sandbox, the teachers told us that a place with gravel was more practical. We decided to make it happen and finance the games with which children can stimulate their imagination. explains Virginie Dagorn, president of the APE.

School celebration June 23

Residents will be able to discover all these facilities during the school celebration open to all which will take place on June 23.



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