“the new designs look like pens and young people are ordering them with home delivery” (Doctor Oumar Ba)

“the new designs look like pens and young people are ordering them with home delivery” (Doctor Oumar Ba)
“the new designs look like pens and young people are ordering them with home delivery” (Doctor Oumar Ba)

Senegal is faced with a real problem of smoking among young people. According to specialists, the age of initiation to smoking is seven years (7). This World No Tobacco Day is therefore for much greater awareness of the harmful influences of the tobacco industry on young people. Senegal, like many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, is struggling to find suitable solutions to curb the influence of the tobacco industry on young people. Doctor Oumar Ba, pulmonologist and coordinator of the anti-tobacco program at the Idrissa Pouye hospital in Grand Yoff, finds that the shortfall is enormous for the State of Senegal, which spends 122 billion FCFA each year on treatment. care of the sick.

But beyond that, what worries Dr Ba the most is the interference of the tobacco industry in health policies. Continuing, he explains, “the industry ingests by circumventing through social networks, advertising, presentations, false messages so that children are captured by tobacco products”.

In a much more alarming vein, the doctor makes revelations about new products. Because more and more, we see pulmonologist, the industry is in fashion for heated tobacco. “These are often designs that look like pens. For Doctor Ba, these are extremely dangerous products, in the sense that they deliver nicotine directly. And who says nicotine, says addiction. There are flavored products in these heated tobaccos. It is made to attract children,” regretted Doctor Ba. Many of these new products are ordered and delivered to children at home, according to specialists. “The State has taken its responsibilities to regulate, by reviewing the 2014 law to adapt it to this new form of epidemic.”

“In Senegal”, informs the resident of the Idrissa Pouye hospital in Grand-Yoff, “we have practically 11% of men who smoke and between 2 and 3% of women”.



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