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The Mont Édouard station chalet destroyed by flames

The reception chalet at the Mont Édouard ski resort, in L’Anse-Saint-Jean, was completely ravaged by flames late Friday afternoon.

The general alarm was sounded by the Fjord Intermunicipal Fire Safety Authority (RISIF).

The total loss of the building was confirmed by firefighters.

Firefighters from five fire stations were called to intervene.


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Around 6 p.m., flames were visible on half of the building.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Courtesy

Around 7 p.m., they were busy putting out the last flames. All that remained was the shell of the building.

There was no spread to other buildings. The fire did not cause any injuries.


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The plume of black smoke was impressive.

Photo: Courtesy

Several witnesses on site

Several people closely involved in the management of the mountain went to the scene to see the extent of the fire.

The building is extremely impacted, it looks like what you would probably call a total loss. […] The firefighters have surrounded the building, they seem to be protecting the surrounding buildings. The fire is very intense, then we begin to see more of the structure of the building. The entire exterior covering is starting to come offsaid a little before 6 p.m. Louis Tremblay-Poirat, co-owner of the company Saguenay Aventures, who was 300 meters from the fire when he gave an interview to the show Public place.

>>A building on fire.>>

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The flames are intense.

Photo: Facebook/Marie-Christine Dion

This company rents equipment on site, particularly for off-piste skiing.

What you need to know is that Saguenay Aventures, the Hors-Circuits store, is the same team, and we [exploite] the store which is in Mont Édouard, so that’s why we were warned that there was starting to be smoke coming out of our storehe continued.

>>A chalet on fire in front of a parking lot.>>

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The chalet is engulfed in flames.

Photo: Courtesy

The station was placed under creditor protection last fall, before the implementation of a recovery plan. It belongs to the municipality of L’Anse-Saint-Jean.

The president of the Friends of Mont-Édouard, Jacques Chouinard, witnessed the sad spectacle.

I see the building diminishing, it is falling from all sides and from all sides. Earlier, it made a kind of bang, probably propane bottles or I don’t really know what, oil or heating.

A quote from Jacques Chouinard, president of the Friends of Mont-Édouard

The organization had raised funds to ensure the survival of the station.

>>People in front of a fire.>>

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Several curious people witness the scene.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Courtesy

On the side of the store, at the other end, it burns the same, like a campfire. We are not able to recognize a single part of the building, it is almost all burned. The fire apparently started in the kitchen, and then the front part which is at the other end of the crescent, which is the reception, the ticket office, we only see the windows, the doors, the roof is crushed. That doesn’t make any sense. It’s so discouraging, it’s unbelievable! he added, also a little before 6 p.m.

Several chalets and condominiums are found in the Alpine village located near the resort.

With information from Annie-Claude Brisson, Alexandra Duchaine and Mireille Chayer



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