this heavy penalty that you can incur if you cut down a tree in your home

this heavy penalty that you can incur if you cut down a tree in your home
this heavy penalty that you can incur if you cut down a tree in your home

With summer coming, you probably want to get rid of the tree that is blocking the sun from entering your garden. You should know that this practice is regulated, and that you risk sanctions if you do not respect the law.

This time of year is the perfect time to start looking after your garden and getting it in order for the warmer weather. Unfortunately, garden owners are not able to cut down just any tree.

If you have a garden and want to clean it up when the nice weather arrives, you will need to be careful not to cut down just any tree. Indeed, this practice is regulated and authorizations are necessary to be able to fell a tree without problem and without penalty. We’ll explain it to you.

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No, you cannot cut down a tree without authorization

It is not possible to cut down a tree at home without complying with the law. Indeed, the exhaustive list of protected species includes nearly 400 plant species. Fact, in application of articles L411-1 and L415-3, if the tree in your garden is protected, it cannot be cut down or mutilated.

To find out if, initially, the tree you wish to fell is one of the rare species, you must contact the local town planning plan. It is therefore part of the local tree heritage and is registered as a Classified Wooded Area. In this case, the tree cannot be felled without authorization from the town hall.

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What risk do I run in cutting down a tree in my home?

If you do not request authorization to fell your tree less than 20cm in diameter, you risk a fine of up to €1,500. On the other hand, the fine can go up to €20,000 if the tree you decide to fell is a rare species or a century-old tree.

In fact, it is imperative to find out about the nature of your tree before cutting it down, and above all it is obligatory to request authorization to verify that felling is possible from the town hall.

News Editor

A graduate of the Nice School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and I am from the South of France. Passionate about reading and sport, I am also a…



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