elected officials worried that agricultural land could become a photovoltaic park

elected officials worried that agricultural land could become a photovoltaic park
elected officials worried that agricultural land could become a photovoltaic park

Six hundred and thirty hectares of agricultural land located in Adriers (606 ha), Nérignac and Moussac (24 ha) could fall into the hands of a renewable energy developer, the Volkswind company. The subject worries both the mayor of Adriers, Thierry Rolle-Milaguet, as well as the Confédération paysanne and the elected officials of Vienne and Gartempe and also mobilizes the association Les Prés survoltés.

At the opening of the community council of Vienne and Gartempe on Thursday May 23, 2024, Thierry Rolle-Milaguet summarized the fight undertaken urgently to refuse that these lands fall into the hands of a “investor and an energy company” lack of agricultural buyer.

We arrive at a price of €7,000 per hectare on the poorest land in Adriers

Thierry Rolle-Milaguet, mayor

The coveted site, the Combe farm, named after the place, was initially a breeding farm (sheep and cattle) with 70 ha of wood (wood which no longer exists, indicates the mayor). It was bought in 2014 by SCEA de la Combe, whose owners are based in Charente-Maritime.

The solution to purchasing from Safer (Land Development and Rural Establishment Company) was to form an agricultural land group (GFA) bringing together the Peasant Confederation, residents, etc. A meeting has already taken place with Safer at the CCVG.

The mayor denounces unprecedented land speculation, announcing a sale price of €800,000:  “The building is estimated at €300,000, we arrive at a price of €7,000 per hectare on the poorest land in Adriers. We are maintaining our application but we are requesting a price review from Safer. » Plots dedicated to hunting, usually worth €60,000, are now estimated at €200,000, according to Gisèle Jean, vice-president of the CCVG. For elected officials, the fact that these lands are already coveted for the installation of wind turbines has contributed to increasing the price of land.

“On June 25, if Safer does not go, the bank will seize the land and it will be auctioned, alert Thierry Rolle-Milaguet. Terres de liens is ready to support us, but not at this price. » For Gisèle Jean, “If we don’t manage to block what is happening in Adriers, it will happen again elsewhere. Finding young agricultural buyers in a month is complicated. »

A new meeting must be held on May 28 between Safer, the regional council, the departmental council, the CCVG and the Adriers town hall.

Crèche: continuous service in the event of a strike

An agreement between the CCVG and the staff has been established for the continuity of the service in the event of a strike in the crèche and ALSH (leisure reception without accommodation).

Agents wishing to exercise their right to strike must notify their superiors forty-eight hours in advance. Information must be provided to parents to assess the number of children present. In the event of insufficient supervision, qualified non-striking agents will be called upon.



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