In Bon-Encontre, parents launch a petition against the jump in the price of school transport

In Bon-Encontre, parents launch a petition against the jump in the price of school transport
In Bon-Encontre, parents launch a petition against the jump in the price of school transport

the essential
A parents’ association has posted a petition online to protest against the alarming increase in school transport fares.

A petition was launched just a week ago by the parents’ association of the town of Bon-Encontre. The latter are calling for a freeze on the price of school transport. Tuesday May 21, the petition had already collected 236 signatures.

“Why not free access in Agenais?”

The heart of the problem is the possible move to 105 euros per year per child next September. While it stood at 27 euros in 2020, it had already climbed to 80 euros. An increase which made the parents of students in Bon-Encontre jump. “In our association, we have a mother who is a childminder,” says Nicolas Kudlikowski, one of the volunteers behind the petition. “Her husband is a soldier and is often absent, she has three children to raise. It was she who alerted us when, by inquiring with the Agglo, she learned the news. With her profession, it was impossible for her to do without school transport. But such an increase in prices is not sustainable for families, especially large ones. In addition, the measure would be applied in September, a financially complicated month, with the start of the school year and the purchase of supplies. “

Jean Dionis, president of the Agglo, told parents of students that they wanted to align themselves with the prices applied in other communities, following analyzes carried out by their service providers. “According to his office, in these communities, the price amounts to 110 euros on average, per year and per child,” continues Nicolas Kudlikowski. But aside from that, there are towns like Dax, Niort, Cahors or even, here, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, which offer free admission! Why wouldn’t this also be done in Agenais?”

Parents denounce an unfair measure, in a context where inflation affects all families. They are waiting to be received by the deputy vice-president for transport. “This meeting has not yet taken place, and we sent a request in March. We have contacted the vice-president’s team twice, it is May and we still have no news, September will soon be there, so time is running out. Jean Dionis’ cabinet management told us that progressive, family-based social pricing could perhaps be applied. For the moment, that’s all we know. “

We sought to contact the deputy vice-president of transport to obtain his testimony. He did not respond to our call.


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