SENEGAL-IRAN-MOURNEY / Death of Raïssi: many personalities sign the book of condolences in Dakar – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, May 22 (APS) – Many Senegalese personalities went Wednesday to the premises of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Dakar, to sign the book of condolences which was opened there following the death, on Sunday, of President Ebrahim Raïssi in a helicopter crash and show their solidarity with the Iranian people.

Iranian Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian and other officials also lost their lives in the accident in the northwest of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

It is in this context that the Iranian diplomatic representation in Dakar opened a register of condolences on Tuesday in its premises.

Since then, around a hundred personalities have made the trip to sign the book of condolences opened on this occasion, including Senegalese clerics, academics, public figures and private sector officials, but also diplomats accredited to Senegal.

We can cite Romanian, Portuguese, Liberian, Mauritanian and Burkinabe diplomats, but also ordinary Senegalese and Lebanese citizens, all of whom came to show their compassion and sign the book of condolences.

El Hadji Baba Ndiaye, president of the Jama’atou Ikhwani Cafa committee, responsible for the renovation, maintenance and construction of religious infrastructures, carried the message of condolences from Serigne Babacar Sy Kane, imam ratib of Kaolack (center) .

According to him, “Iran plays an extremely important role in supporting oppressed peoples, and this is the reason why this death which has just struck the entire Iranian community hits the Muslim community at the same time, because we are We are all Muslim brothers and we must sympathize with the difficulties encountered by each other.”

The person responsible for the construction of the great mosque of Kaolack believes that the late president “played an important role in global geopolitics”, notably in the search for balance in international relations and in “the defense and protection of peoples weak”.

The president of the national association of imams and ulemas of Senegal, El Hadj Oumar Diène, and Jaraaf Youssou Ndoye, customary authority in Dakar, also marked this emotional tribute ceremony with their presence, as well ashe representatives of economic operators.

The president of the National Union of Chambers of Commerce of Senegal, Abdoulaye Sow, said he came to the Iranian embassy to share the mourning that is affecting this brother country currently going through “painful days”.

“Today we are [l’ambassadeur d’Iran] and show him that Senegal is still Iran’s friend. We are affected by this situation,” he said on behalf of the national private sector.

Hassan Asgari, the Iranian ambassador, said he was grateful for the support given to his country during these painful times.

He notably thanked the president of the National Union of Chambers of Commerce of Senegal as well as the delegation which accompanied him.

“It is a difficult moment to lose your president and your minister of Foreign Affairs,” he said, noting that he had recently had the opportunity to speak with the latter during the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OCI) held in Gambia (4-5 May).

The Iranian diplomat said he also discussed with the late head of government the ways and means to strengthen cooperation between Senegal and Iran, especially in the economic field.

He assured that the cooperation started with the National Union of Chambers of Commerce will continue.

A prayer ceremony is planned for Friday, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the residence of the Iranian ambassador in Dakar.




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