love, across borders and war in Ukraine

love, across borders and war in Ukraine
love, across borders and war in Ukraine


Editorial La Voix Le Bocage

Published on

Oct. 19 2024 at 10:56 am

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April 1, 2022, snowflakes swirl in the night. Market Square in the delegated commune of Saint-Martin-des-Besaces (), Svetlana Krasutskaya, known as Lana, then aged 35, is accompanied by Olga, her mother, and Valentina, her grandmother. They arrive from Ukraine. They fled the guerreby car, in very difficult conditions. They are welcomed by Didier Duchemin, deputy mayor of Tourneur, and his wife, Brigitte. The couple will host them for 15 days. Then, they will be taken care of by the community of Souleuvre en Bocage, which accommodates them in municipal housing, like so many other Ukrainian refugees.

Difficult years

The three women will live to the rhythm of international information on the war raging in their country. Isolated because of the language barrier, they spent difficult years, which they were willing to bear witness to twice in our columns. Thanks to the Internet, Svetlana Krasutskaya never stopped working, but her mother, who was ophthalmologist in Ukraine, remained without a professional solution. The only advantage in their situation: the car. They were thus able to maintain a certain autonomy and discover .

And then, life did the rest… And, on October 13, 2024, the audience was carried away by a whirlwind of emotionsin the room of weddings of the delegated commune of Bény-Bocage, when Didier Duchemin, delegated mayor of Tourneur, married Svetlana Krasutskaya, salesperson, born in Odessa, Ukraine, on May 19, 1987, with Guillaume Petit, salesperson, born in Louviers on April 30, 1989, domiciled in Agneaux.

Sandrine Lepetit, deputy mayor of Bény-Bocage; Didier Duchemin, deputy mayor of Tourneur; Marie-Line Levallois, deputy mayor of Carville and Michel Vincent, deputy mayor of La Graverie. ©The Voice Le Bocage

“The most beautiful thing that could happen”

For the occasion, there are four mayors delegated to celebrate the wedding. “Lana and Guillaume, you embody today what life manifests more beautiful in a complicated political context,” underlines Sandrine Lepetit, deputy mayor of Bény-Bocage.

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You prove to us that love has no boundaries. That language is not a barrier and that everything is possible

Michel Vincent, deputy mayor of La Graverie declares:

Your stay at the Graverie for a year and a half allowed me to appreciate you for your kindness and your discretion. Today, Lana, you found love with Guillaume, it’s the most beautiful thing that could have happened to you

“A beautiful message between our two countries”

On the verge of tears, Marie-Line Levallois, deputy mayor of Carville, whispers:

It was a magnificent meeting. It is an immense joy to celebrate your marriage

Didier Duchemin adds: “Lana, despite the misfortune of this war and your forced exoduslife also provides beautiful stories, that of your meeting with Guillaume, about two years ago. Your union is a beautiful message between our two countries, in these difficult times. »

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