. Flood risks have their action and prevention program

Meeting on Friday October 18 in the sub-prefecture of , local stakeholders signed a program called PAPI (Flood Action and Prevention Program) for the period 2024-2029.

The Tarn Amont Joint Syndicate holds the driving document for its action on the flood aspect. Gathered in the sub-prefecture of Millau this Friday, the Prefect of Aveyron, Charles Giustithe President of the Union, Serge Védrinesthe director of the Adour-Garonne Water Agency, Pauline Rattez and the councilor of the region and mayor of Millau, Emmanuelle Gazelsigned an important document for the entire Tarn upstream territory.

Based on the principle of upstream-downstream as well as urban-rural solidarity, the mixed union is very proud of this progress, the fruit of many years of work.

Programme global, actions locales

This program affects 88 communes, 9 communities of municipalities over an area of ​​2600 km² and concerns 45.000 habitants fixeswithout taking into account seasonality. From this program, we note the importance of the flood risk in a territory qualified as vulnerable, as we have seen again in recent days.

The diagnosis shows that Millau is indeed the most vulnerable city in the entire basin, that in all 1700 people, 2200 buildings, 850 companiesdont 85 campsites et 125 km of road are located in a flood zone. Enough to worry and justify an action program.

€4 million to fight against flooding

Precisely, hence the usefulness of this famous “PAPI”. Nine action levers were identified with 28 concrete actions and two animation actions for a total cost of €4 million, 50% financed by the State.

For Millavois, we will especially note among the action plan a whole section which concerns the Ladoux ravine from downstream and the agricultural areas of Saint-Germainbut also the question of vulnerability of the Municipal Technical Center (CTM).

Pour Emmanuelle Gazel« this PAPI is one more step in a long-term work. Because if the culture of risk is very present among the Millavois, who are very resilient, this culture is absent among new arrivals and we quickly forget… »

Very pleased that the action program took into account the management of ravines for which Millau is particularly concerned, she anchors the PAPI in an ecologically responsible policy in the broader sense, in which the dewaterproofing and revegetation of soils are also a part. integral. She greeted “ the work of all skills together towards a common objective to reduce risks and protect populations ».

Pauline Rattez conceded that the Adour Garonne basin is the most vulnerable in mainland and fully justified the actions and budgets deployed here on the Tarn upstream.

Charles Giustifor his part, cited Gustave Flaubert (Dictionary of Received Ideas-1913) to introduce his remarks on the culture of risk: “ Old man: speaking of a flood, a storm, etc., the old men of the country never remember seeing one like it. » « The flood risk is a sword of Damocles always hanging over our heads. I note in the program that today we are signing the necessary notion of anticipation and am delighted to bring this grandpa to the baptismal font. »

Before adding that “ State funding comes from a major risk prevention fund, also called the Barnier fund, our new Prime Minister, still as attached to these issues ».



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