National tribute to the prison officers killed on May 14: “Their death will not go unpunished”, promises Gabriel Attal

National tribute to the prison officers killed on May 14: “Their death will not go unpunished”, promises Gabriel Attal
National tribute to the prison officers killed on May 14: “Their death will not go unpunished”, promises Gabriel Attal

A week after the fatal attack on a prison van at a tollbooth in Eure, a national tribute ceremony was held in Caen this Wednesday.

Chaired by the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, it honored Fabrice Moello and Captain Arnaud Garcia, killed during the escape of Mohamed Amra.

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Bloody attack on a prison van: the hunt for Mohamed Amra

Gabriel Attal paid a national tribute today in Caen to the two prison officers killed on May 14 in the attack on their van at the Incarville tollbooth in Eure. Director Fabrice Moello and Captain Arnaud Garcia were shot dead during the attack on a prison van to escape an inmate, Mohamed Amra.

The investigation will continue as long as necessary.

Gabriel Attal, May 22, 2024

“Their deaths will not go unpunished. The investigation is progressing. It will continue, as long as it takes. But it will succeed.

To the cowardly and heinous criminals who committed this barbaric crime, I want to say it again: ‘Do not sleep peacefully.’ We are tracking you. We will find you. And we will punish you”declared the Prime Minister.

During the ceremony at the former Caen remand center (Calvados), Fabrice Moello was promoted to the corps of director of prison services and Arnaud Garcia to the corps of officers, to the rank of captain. Both were made knights of the Legion of Honor.

1:20 p.m.


The coffins, covered with tricolor flags and followed by prison officers, leave the courtyard of the former prison while Chopin’s Funeral March resonates.



Facing the coffins of the two agents, Gabriel Attal stands. The Marseillaise resonates in the courtyard of the former Caen remand center.



Fabrice Moello will be promoted to the corps of director of prison services and Arnaud Garcia to the rank of captain. “We will take care of your families, your children, as we will take care of your wounded comrades,” promises Gabriel Attal, before presenting the deceased with the insignia of knight of the Legion of Honor.



“Their deaths will not go unpunished. The investigation is progressing, it will continue as long as necessary. But it will succeed. To the cowardly, odious criminals who committed this barbaric crime, I want to say it again: ” Do not sleep peacefully, we will hunt you down, we will find you and we will punish you, the sword of justice will not tremble,” declared Gabriel Attal, moved.

Gabriel Attal chaired the ceremony, replacing Emmanuel Macron, expected in New Caledonia. According to the Minister of Justice, the Head of State had met the families of the victims on the eve of this ceremony. The Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, is also present, as is Stanislas Guérini, Minister of the Civil Service.

The editorial staff of TF1info



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