Death of the Iranian president: the UN and the European Union grant a minute of silence to the “butcher of Tehran”

Iran is mired in ongoing conflict with the West, Sunni Muslim states and Israel. The ancient Persian nation has never hidden its desire to obtain nuclear weapons and openly finances terrorist groups including one of the most dangerous, Hezbollah. Even very recently, the world saw how violently this regime treated women, having them raped by soldiers to the point of death. And yet, the United Nations and the European Union broke into a minute of silence to honor the memory of the “butcher of Tehran”.

Tributes reminiscent of those of France on the death of Stalin

The immediacy of the action may also have been surprising. As soon as the death of President Raïssi was announced, the Secretary General of the UN, the Portuguese Antonio Guterres, called on the Security Council to observe a minute of silence. Regardless of the massacres of Iranian women which have just taken place or the threats of extension of the conflict in the Middle East under the leadership of Tehran, Guterres, whose impartiality is regularly debated, will honor the death of the head of state Iranian. As a reminder, in 1953, upon the death of Stalin, the National Assembly, chaired by the left-wing radical Édouard Herriot, also observed a minute of silence when everyone knew the cruelty of the Soviet dictator.

Also read: Death of President Ebrahim Raïssi after a helicopter accident, the streets of Tehran celebrate

France also stands out for its message to Iran

The Belgian President of the European Council, Charles Michel, also expressed “his most sincere condolences” on behalf of the EU. He will say: “The EU expresses its sincere condolences for the death of President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdollahian, as well as other members of their delegation and crew, in a helicopter accident. Our thoughts are with the families.” We could also wonder about the content of the message from Stéphane Séjourné, French Minister of Foreign Affairs who wrote: “France presents its condolences to the Islamic Republic of Iran after the death of President Ebrahim Raïssi, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian, and people who accompanied them. She also sends her thoughts to the families of the victims of this accident. It is regrettable that there was no word for all the victims of the regime led by Raïssi nor, as is often the case with the death of a dictator, a stated desire to support the country towards a rule of law, especially for women.



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