RTL Infos – “Yellow” vigilance: New risk of flooding this Tuesday in Luxembourg

RTL Infos – “Yellow” vigilance: New risk of flooding this Tuesday in Luxembourg
RTL Infos – “Yellow” vigilance: New risk of flooding this Tuesday in Luxembourg

The rain has returned since early Tuesday morning. Meteolux has placed the entire country on “yellow” alert due to heavy rains this Tuesday. The flood risk issued is valid for Tuesday and Wednesday.

The specter of a catastrophic day like the one experienced no later than Friday May 17, 2024 did not have time to go away. Luxembourg had its feet in the water, traffic on the A13 was even completely cut off for a time, and the neighboring department of Moselle experienced unprecedented flooding, particularly in Boulay, Bouzonville and Forbach.

Well before 5 a.m. on Tuesday, the rain was already falling heavily. The entire Luxembourg has once again been placed on “yellow” alert by the government’s official weather portal.

Meteolux has issued a “rain warning” for this Tuesday from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. With “Rainfall, sometimes heavy, with accumulations of between 15 and 25 l/m², is expected during the alert period.“. Locally, more water may fall from the sky.

A “yellow” alert for possible risk of flooding also applies from midnight to Wednesday midnight for the entire country.

The flood forecasting service (SPC) of the Water Management Administration had relayed as early as Monday evening, a potential risk of flooding this Tuesday given the meteorological situation.

“Partially heavy rainfall is expected from the morning in a few hours, which may be locally intensified by convection. An increase in water levels in all waters of the country is also expected from the morning” he warns.

The SPC adding that “the water level can rise very quickly, especially on small bodies of water. On large bodies of water, a rise in the water level in the area of ​​the early warning coast cannot be completely excluded .”

These forecasts are still “subject to high uncertainties and the rise in water levels depends on the concentration of precipitation.” However, it will be necessary to exercise caution along bodies of water, “especially during seasonal activities.”

Also read:

Flooded, the A13 was temporarily closed in Luxembourg

Floods in Moselle: A farmer evacuates 350 schoolchildren by tractor

Risk of flooding: Vigilance lifted in Luxembourg, the Moselle still in orange




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