Mauléon: a flood responsible for extensive material damage | Euskal Herria

Mauléon: a flood responsible for extensive material damage | Euskal Herria
Mauléon: a flood responsible for extensive material damage | Euskal Herria

MAY 2024. 20 – 6:35 p.m.

Following severe bad weather in Soule, a major flood hit Mauléon and its surroundings this Sunday, May 19. According to the city’s mayor, the artificialization of soils and climate change are at the origin of this overflow.

In Viodos-Abense-de-Bas, a Haut Bidea housing estate, water has invaded the roads. (© P.RECALT)

Late in the afternoon this Sunday, May 19, a violent storm hit La Soule. As the streams west of Mauléon were unable to absorb the large quantity of water, flooding affected the town’s watershed as well as the neighboring commune of Viodos-Abense-de-Bas. An unprecedented episode in the recent history of the Souletine capital according to Louis Labadot, the mayor of the town. ” I’ve never seen that. I was born in Mauléon 81 years ago, so I have old memories. From memory, I only remember one delicate episode in 2014,” he testifies.

Situation under control

The damage was essentially material, particularly affecting homes in the Licharre district as well as the Mauléon industrial zone. Of the nearly 3,000 inhabitants, only one person had to be relocated. Without neglecting all of the Mauléonnais, more specific help was provided to elderly people who were destitute in the face of the situation.

The rapid intervention of the firefighters and the city’s technical services made it possible to resolve most of the problems encountered this Monday, May 20, in particular the presence of mud on the roads. “If the situation is calm today, this is largely explained by the active solidarity between citizens, it is a strong element that must be remembered,” insists the elected communist.

Artificialization of soils

A situation which, according to the first councilor, can be explained mainly by two factors: the artificialization of soils combined with climate change. “I understand that we want to build on the heights of the city because it is a beautiful place, but when we urbanize, we asphalt the soil and that affects water runoff. There are elements that must challenge us, we must urbanize intelligently. »

The municipality plans to submit a file for recognition of the state of natural disaster as of Tuesday, May 21 in order to find financial assistance. “Reflections will have to be carried out jointly with the CAPB and the mixed union of the Gaves of Oloron, Mauléon and their tributaries (SIGOM) to see how in the future to avoid this type of excess. It’s going to be complicated, particularly in terms of financial arrangements,” explains the mayor.

Marion Aoustin-Roth, sub-prefect of the Oloron-Sainte-Marie district, went to the site in the evening following the events. The state representative is expected again in Mauléon on June 6, to discuss this subject with the mayor.



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