Video. How international concert artists, the Scott brothers, are scheduled in

Video. How international concert artists, the Scott brothers, are scheduled in
Video. How international concert artists, the Scott brothers, are scheduled in Bergerac

They are “princes of the keyboard”, as the Essential Classics site defines them. While touring all over the world, the English brothers Jonathan and Tom Scott are expected in , in Dordogne, for two exceptional concerts given as part of the 11th Orgue en fête festival, which will take place from Friday October 25 to Sunday October 27 .

It was Patricia Sabatier, the president of the association Friends of the Organ of Saint-Jacques, organizer of the event, who fought to offer these great names to the public. “I’ve been thinking about it for three years. I discovered them on YouTube, explains the Bergeracoise. It was complicated because they are in high demand, I started doing it a year and a half ago and it was simpler because our date is fixed. »

Their hands on giant screen

“Very affordable”, the artists, who do not have a manager and live in London, did not hesitate to perform in the city of Cyrano. Friday 25, we will be able to discover the organist Jonathan Scott, who excels in the adaptation of classic pieces. “No piece was planned for the organ initially,” emphasizes Uriel Valadeau, coordinator of the Saint-Jacques organ. Whether it is the opening of “The Marriage of Figaro” or the “Canon of Pachelbel”, Jonathan Scott each time offers new things, unexpected colors. »

The next day, the latter will be joined by his brother for a dialogue between piano and organ. “Tom Scott will play on a grand piano by Fazioli, loaned by Paolin musique. It’s a great chance because, normally, you have to go to or to international competitions to hear this instrument,” adds Uriel Valadeau. True virtuosos whose hands we can observe on giant screens, the Scott brothers have built a program which will offer a “European sample” of classical music.

Trumpets of the Paris Opera

The public is already lining up to come and listen to these two international concert artists in Bergerac. “I have a person who contacted us three weeks before the ticket office opened,” notes Patricia Sabatier. There are also a lot of English people. Half of the people are not listed in our file. » It will be possible to “add a few chairs”, if necessary, on the big day.

“Remotivate listening”, “make young musicians want to surpass themselves” or “broaden the audience”, these are the wishes of Patricia Sabatier and the association of Friends of the Saint-Jacques organ.

The concert on Sunday 27 is not to be outdone since we will be able to discover Laurent Malet and Pascal Clarhaut, two trumpeter soloists from the Paris Opera. They will be accompanied by Viviane Loriaut on the organ with works linked to Italian tradition but also pieces like “À bout de souffle”, by Claude Nougaro.


The concerts will take place at the Saint-Jacques church in Bergerac on Friday October 25 and Saturday October 26, at 8:30 p.m. The meeting on Sunday 27 is scheduled at the Notre-Dame church, at 3:30 p.m. Price: 20 euros; free for under 18s and job seekers. Tickets and information on the association’s website:



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