Distressing Floods and Urgent SOS to the Authorities

Distressing Floods and Urgent SOS to the Authorities
Distressing Floods and Urgent SOS to the Authorities

The department of Bakel is currently in the grip of a profound humanitarian crisis, exacerbated by flooding caused by the rising of the Senegal River. The inhabitants, submerged by the waters, find themselves in a situation of extreme distress, with collapsed houses, devastated populations and decimated livestock.

The villages of the commune of Ballou, notably Koughany, Golmy, Yafera and Aroundou, as well as the capital of the commune, are particularly affected. In Kidira, located more than 40 kilometers from Bakel, the picture is just as worrying, with the waters of the Falémé and Senegal rivers invading homes, leaving residents in anguish.

Moussa Bathily, coordinator of the DommuDaara Patriots Movement of Bakel, describes the situation as disastrous: “Floods have never been so devastating in our history. Many residents are forced to flee their homes to seek refuge elsewhere, and even schools are under water. Our cultures are being destroyed, it’s a real disaster. »

He also denounces the lack of appropriate reaction from the authorities, both local and national. This situation raises considerable public health concerns, with an increased risk of diarrheal diseases due to stagnant water. The populations, already vulnerable, fear that a health crisis will be added to their suffering.

Faced with this calamity, the residents of Bakel urgently call on the authorities to act quickly and effectively. They demand that the measures taken go beyond simple declarations and translate into tangible and immediate actions to manage the crisis and support those affected.



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