Study day on transport and mobility on November 7

Study day on transport and mobility on November 7
Study day on transport and mobility on November 7

Mobility needs have only grown over the years:

  • acceleration of trade and globalization maddened for the goods,
  • development of tourism but above all a drastic increase in home-work distances (in particular due to a policy of high-speed metropolisation, leading to a specialization of urban areas and an increase in rents, particularly in urban centers).

The sector must face several major crises:

  • explosion in the price of energy and in particular fuel,
  • social crisis with the loss of tens of thousands of jobs,
  • climate and environmental crisis (the sector, greedy for fossil energy, represents 34% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in , the largest national item, and has a major impact in terms of public health and the fall in biodiversity and land artificialization).

This situation involves necessary technological and industrial breakthroughs major ones such as electrification or the use of hydrogen, but these developments are currently being made to the detriment of employees, employment and users (massive relocation and exorbitant prices to equip themselves in new vehicles).

Furthermore, public transport must be developed and encouraged to ensure an effective right to transport for all.

Our study day, which has the theme of mobility and transport, should allow us to outline an answer to the question:

  • What mobility to meet the needs of tomorrow and what industry to meet them?

Of course, one day will not be enough to carry out an exhaustive analysis of such a broad subject, but our ambition is to mark out the work that will need to continue to refine our proposals. Ann not to dilute the debates, this day will not deal with issues of pricing, land use planning or public policy.

These important subjects can be covered in the territorial variation of this study day.

Program of the day:



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