October 17 — The International Almanac from BiblioMonde Editions — Bibliomonde Editions

October 17 — The International Almanac from BiblioMonde Editions — Bibliomonde Editions
October 17 — The International Almanac from BiblioMonde Editions — Bibliomonde Editions

Like every year at 5 p.m., associations, movements, unions and organizations of the Refuser la Misère collective invite you to participate in the World Day to End Poverty. This event was born from the initiative of Joseph Wresinski, founder of ATD Quart Monde, and several thousand people from all walks of life who gathered in this emblematic place that is the Human Rights Square in . in 1987.

This day was then officially recognized by the United Nations in December 1992, which gave it a global dimension from 1993. The United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, of which this is the 30th edition in 2023, aims to promote understanding and dialogue between people living in poverty and society as a whole.

This year’s theme, “Decent Work and Social Protection to Put Dignity into Action” draws on first-hand accounts showing that people trapped in extreme poverty often work long, grueling hours in unsafe and unsafe conditions. regulated, but still cannot earn enough money to support themselves and their families.

There are nearly 700 million people in extreme poverty in the world, that is to say living on less than 2.15 dollars per day (or approximately 64 euros per month). Based on this “international poverty line”, the global rate of extreme poverty has fallen from 36% in 1990 to around 9% today.

Poverty is decreasing, but poverty affects almost half of the world’s population who live on less than $6.85 per day. And one in four people, or nearly 2 billion men, women and children, live on less than $3.65 per day. (source : Oxfam)

On October 17, 1987, this text was engraved in the marble of the Human Rights square in Paris:

October 17, 1987 human rights defenders

And the citizen of all countries

Have gathered on this Courtyard. They paid tribute

To the victims of hunger, ignorance and violence,

They affirmed their conviction that poverty is not fatal.

They proclaimed their solidarity with those who struggle

Across the world to destroy it.

“Where men are condemned to live in poverty;

Human rights are violated.

Uniting to uphold them is a sacred duty. »

Father Joseph Wresinski

To date, there are a total of 53 replicas of the memorial stone around the world, including countries such as Belgium, Burkina Faso, Canada, Germany, the Philippines, Portugal, Island, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Replicas of the memorial stone can also be found at the Council of Europe in and at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

An article from the International Almanac from BiblioMonde editions



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