A historic victory: the far right obtains an absolute majority in Ninove

A historic victory: the far right obtains an absolute majority in Ninove
A historic victory: the far right obtains an absolute majority in Ninove

The far-right Forza Ninove party, led by Guy D’haeseleer (Vlaams Belang) won an absolute majority of votes in Ninove. He therefore became the first far-right mayor.

The votes have all been counted in Ninove, and the conclusion is there: the Forza Ninove list, drawn by Guy D’haeseleer from Vlaams Belang, obtained a majority of the seats, and therefore has all the cards in hand to occupy power in this town of around 40,000 inhabitants.

We write history“, he insisted in a speech to members of his party and supporters gathered in Ninove to support him. “The sanitary cordon in the trash“, he continues, acclaimed by the crowd. It must be said that the strong man on the list achieved the feat largely by himself. He collected 8,552 preference votes. This is almost the double that of her opponent Tania De Jonge who can still boast of having been able to attract 4,587 preference votes.

The list obtained 47.45% of the votes, an improvement of 7.4 percentage points in its score. Positief Ninove, the list of liberal mayor Tania De Jonge, with independents and Christian Democrats, follows, at 30.8%. The Vooruit-Groen cartel is third, at 14.9%, and the N-VA is 6.9%. There were only four lists in Ninove.

Nothing now prevents Guy D’haeseleer from becoming the first Vlaams Belang mayor of Flanders. But Francophones will then have to be afraid of coming to Ninove, our journalist Christophe Deborsu asked Guy D’haeseleer. “He told me: ‘If they speak Dutch, they shouldn’t be afraid’. In other words, be a little wary…”explains our journalist.

municipal elections municipal elections 2024



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