This young man turns trash into gold and earns €60,000

This young man turns trash into gold and earns €60,000
This young man turns trash into gold and earns €60,000

Like many people, you may have placed ecology at the center of your priorities. If consuming more responsibly and recycling waste has become important to you, then the incredible story of Leonardo Urbano, revealed by an article on the Spanish site Noticiastrabajo, should please you.

Recycle waste to make extra income

If you are looking for activities for you make additional incomeyou have probably already thought about selling your clothes on Vinted or your second-hand items on Le Bon Coin. But have you ever thought about going through trash cans? This is what Leonardo Urbano, a young Italian living in Sydney, Australia, did. He would have won almost €60,000 by selling items found in trash cans.

Leonardo found many items in the trash: clothes, household appliances, furniture… Sometimes in poor condition, the young man did not hesitate to repair all these objects in order to be able to resell them as best as possible on Facebook Market, the online sales platform.

Waste quickly made profitable

When he started going through trash, Leonardo Urbano’s only intention was to reuse found objects. On his social networks, for example, he revealed how he had given a “vintage” style to his apartment by decorating it with a whole bunch of reclaimed materials. This Italian spared no effort to make all his discoveries. He took his bike to go rummage through the containers and the garbage dumpsters of his city.

While sorting through the trash, Leonardo found lots of items he didn’t need and started selling them on online sales platforms. Before creating the ads, he tried to restore a beautiful appearance to the objectswith a lick of paint, by cleaning them, or by repairing them when they were defective. Leonardo Urbano assures that the time spent retyping all these finds is worth nothing compared to what he gained. In one of his videos, the young man shows, for example, how he repairs a Dyson vacuum cleaner, which is very expensive when new, by buying a simple piece for 30 euros.

A lucrative business

60 000 eurosthis is the amount that Leonardo Urbano declared to have earned from the sale of objects found in trash cans. But he assures that, when he does not find a buyer, he donates his items to charity in order to benefit others.

Leonardo Urbano insists on his desire to consume more ecologically and in a more sustainable way. “Reduce, reuse, recycle”these are the words they use to describe its mode of consumption. An excellent source of inspiration for anyone who wishes reduce their impact on the environmentwhile earning some extra money.



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