Engie, EDF, Gaz de , Mint, Octopus Energy, TotalEnergies… Good news for the customers of these suppliers

Engie, EDF, Gaz de , Mint, Octopus Energy, TotalEnergies… Good news for the customers of these suppliers
Engie, EDF, Gaz de Bordeaux, Mint, Octopus Energy, TotalEnergies… Good news for the customers of these suppliers

Good news for EDF, Engie, Octopus Energy, TotalEnergies and more customers! We’ll tell you more in the next few lines of this article.

Engie, EDF, Gaz de , Mint, Octopus Energy, TotalEnergies… Good news for the customers of these suppliers

Ces energy suppliers are part of the group of twenty-four companies which have agreed to commit to respecting the new guidelines of the Energy Regulatory Commission, or the 13 specific measures “ which cover the entire lifespan of a supply contract.

« These are 24 national suppliers and more than 50 local suppliers, representing more than 99% of residential consumers who have formally confirmed their commitment », underlines the website of the CRE.

Good news for the customers of these suppliers. Indeed, thanks to these new measures, consumers will be able to more easily follow the evolution of their invoices by being “better informed“, in the event of a price change.

“Suppliers will also exercise a reinforced duty of advice to adapt the offers proposed to each individual’s consumption. Finally, the customer will benefit from clearer information at the end of their contract, whether it is renewed or not. », Indicates the CRE.

No more “incomprehensible” price increases!

This will thus avoid “ unprecedented increases in energy prices that some suppliers pass on in a less than transparent, even incomprehensible or misleading manner », Explains the Energy Mediator.

In 2023, relays Ouest , complaints relating to price changes “increased by three quarters”.

These good energy suppliers

For the moment, only residential customers are affected. However, the Commission intends to benefit “ very small businesses, condominium associations, small communities and associations”indicates the regional daily.

The CRE promised “ monitor the proper execution of these commitments “. If necessary, the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF) or the Competition Authority will be contacted accordingly. The first verifications will begin on January 31, 2025.

The suppliers concerned include Alpiq, Alterna, EDF, Elmy, ekWateur, Elécocité, Enalp, Energies du Santerre, ENI, Engie, Gaz de Bordeaux, ilek, JPME/Actelios, La bellenergie, Mint, Octopus Energy, Ohm Energie, Proxelia, Priméo Energies France, Sélia , SEFE Energy SAS, TotalEnergies, Urban Solar Energy as well as Waterfall.

Bad students…

Some suppliers unfortunately turn out to be bad students.

They did not agree to play the game of transparency. This is the case of Dyneff, Energies d’ici, Enercoop, GEG energy sources, MyLightSystems, Papernest Energie, Sagitterre and Wekiwi.



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