Founders Day 2024: let’s strengthen our impact together

On September 24, the 5e Founders’ Day brought together more than 180 representatives of the foundations hosted alongside the Fondation de teams. This annual meeting was once again an opportunity for founders to strengthen their ties, reflect together on the major current issues with several renowned speakers, and imagine collective responses to give more impact to philanthropy.

“The creation of any foundation is both an individual, family or business approach, but also a desire to be part of collective action. Chis desire to act together by creating promising synergies is at the heart of the Philanthropic Factory project that we are building alongside you,” declared in the introduction Pierre Sellalpresident of the Fondation de France.

On the program for this new edition: a morning of inspiration to question the role of philanthropy in a world in crisis; in the afternoon, collective work workshops to reflect on the best ways to act together.

Rebuild confidence

In a society experiencing multiple upheavals, how can we recreate trust and social cohesion? It is with his dual perspective of philosopher and psychoanalyst that Cynthia Fleury came to shed light on the means to fight against the experience of the unworthy, this loss of humanity produced by crises and social inequalities. The author of The Dignity Clinic (editions du Seuil, 2023) emphasized that “ dignity is created in the relationship with others, it needs the collective “. While regretting that society tends to make healthcare providers invisible. “ By caring for others, philanthropy creates dignity in action that protects against democratic crises. It is an organized solidarity that calls on skills, provides resources, produces innovation and knows how to demonstrate empathy. “, insisted Cynthia Fleury.

Cynthia Fleury, right: “Dignity is created in the relationship with others, it needs the collective”.
© Cyril Marcilhacy / item

Philanthropy to the aid of democracy

A round table bringing together David Colon, professor of contemporary history at Sciences Po, Axelle Davezac, general director of the Fondation de France, Elisa Peter, director of Civitates, an alliance of European foundations which act in favor of democracy, was organized on the theme of the democratic crisis. After recalling the real threat represented by disinformation and the “infodemic” which are killing democracy from within, David Colon insisted on “the necessary mobilization of civil society and the involvement of everyone, including businesses, to defend democracy and precisely act from within ».

According to Axelle Davezac« democracy is a prerequisite for philanthropic action. Any initiative in favor of the general interest is based on the essential principle that everyone has their place in society.” Faced with the risks weighing on our democracies, she also recalled that philanthropists must “ mobilize to protect and strengthen democratic values ». Elisa Peter confirmed that it is “defend values, rules, institutions that make the democratic process possible. This can be done through fast checking to combat false information, regulation, particularly with GAFAM, but also by supporting independent media.” According to her, acting at the European level and strengthening the commitment of all citizens on these issues is fundamental because, today, “democracies no longer die by coup d’état, they disappear from within.”

JDF2024 table rondeFrom left to right: Alexandre Giraud, director of philanthropic action at the Fondation de France, Elisa Peter, director of Civitates, Axelle Davezac, general director of the Fondation de France, and David Colon, professor of contemporary history at Sciences Po .
© Cyril Marcilhacy / item

Act at the root to strengthen the impact

How should philanthropy adapt its action strategies to provide effective and sustainable responses to increasingly complex and overlapping issues? It is with Cyril Tassartentrepreneur and specialist in the systemic approach that the sheltered foundations were invited in the afternoon to question their ways of acting. The researcher explained how to change your perspective to better understand all the dimensions of a problem and build transformative solutions.

It was the historian and sociologist Pierre Rosanvallon who came to share his vision on the contribution of foundations and associations to democratic renewal. In this regard, he recalled the importance of action in favor of the general interest, which “ is not only the interest of the majority but that of all those who are not noticed, the forgotten people “. Faced with the upheavals sweeping through our societies, Pierre Rosanvallon also insisted on the essential role of foundations as “ as experimenters of new methods », capable of tackling collective issues, supporting innovation but also reporting on their experiments to disseminate them more widely.

JDF2024 PierreRosanvallonPierre Rosanvallon, left: “The general interest is not only the interest of the majority but that of all those who are not noticed, of the forgotten people”.
© Cyril Marcilhacy / item

« Belief in the strength of the collective to restore and build dignity, determination of commitment, and enthusiasm to act together », three reasons to believe in the future with which Axelle Davezac concluded the day.



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