UNRWA Still in the Running for Nobel Peace Prize, Winner Announced Friday

UNRWA Still in the Running for Nobel Peace Prize, Winner Announced Friday
UNRWA Still in the Running for Nobel Peace Prize, Winner Announced Friday

Despite the controversy, UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) remains in the running for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, the winner of which will be announced on October 11.

This candidacy raises questions, particularly following the IDF’s revelations on the alleged involvement of UNRWA members in Hamas activities in Gaza. Evidence suggests that terrorist infrastructure may have been hidden within the organization’s premises.

Faced with this situation, the Israeli NGO Im Tirtzu launched a petition calling on the Nobel committee to reconsider its decision. To date, nearly 12,000 people have signed this text addressed to the Peace Research Institute in Oslo, responsible for selecting the winners. Shai Rosengarten, director of Im Tirtzu, believes that awarding the Nobel to UNRWA would be a “moral failure” that would tarnish the reputation of the prize.

However, UNRWA is not the only controversial candidate. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is also on the list, notably for its decisions concerning Israel and Russia.

On the Israeli side, two organizations stand out among the nominees:

EcoPeace Middle East, an environmental NGO founded by Gidon Bromberg, which works for peace through cross-border ecological projects.

Women Wage Peace (WWP) and Women of the Sun (WOS), two women’s movements advocating Israeli-Palestinian dialogue. Their appointment comes in a painful context, marked by the loss of Vivian Silver, member of WWP, during the attacks of October 7.

These nominations highlight the efforts of civil society to promote peace, despite a tense regional context. The organizations emphasize the need for a lasting political solution to guarantee stability in the Middle East.



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