Donald Trump “protector” of women: a speech that seduces and divides the female electorate

The 2024 presidential election highlights a growing divide between supporters of traditional gender roles and those who embrace modern social changes. Donald Trump, by presenting himself as the “protector” of women, is trying to seduce a conservative electorate, both male and female, attached to traditional family values.

The presidential elections are approaching in the United States. For now, the duel remains close between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Everyone is banking on their strengths to try to attract as many voters as possible.

And during this campaign, Donald Trump’s very particular rhetoric raises questions. By presenting himself as the “protective” women, the Republican candidate is trying to win the votes of an electorate attached to traditional family values. But will this be enough to ensure him final victory?

A paternalistic discourse that divides

At a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump declared: “You will no longer be abandoned, alone or afraid. You will be protected, and I will be your protector.”. This statement reflects his desire to reassure women in the face of security threats that he associates with illegal immigration and crime.

However, many experts, like political scientist Erin Cassese, say this message can seem condescending, or even disconnected from the real concerns of women today, such as the right to abortion. “Many women believe the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion has endangered their lives and their rights“, explained Cassese.

Women torn between security and freedom

Although some segments of the electorate, notably married women and those from conservative backgrounds, may be sympathetic to Trump’s argument, a large portion of women perceive this speech as a step backwards.

According to a Pew Research Center poll, 55% of women supporting Trump believe that barriers to gender equality have disappeared. However, surveys show that younger, educated and urban women are largely in favor of social changes. To these women, Trump’s protective rhetoric seems more like an attempt to control.

A risky bet for Trump

While Trump relies on a strategy of traditional masculinity to appeal to conservative voters, his popularity remains low among more progressive female voters. The majority of non-Republican women reject the idea of ​​predefined gender roles.

What older women understand as protection, younger women interpret as control“says Democratic pollster Celinda Lake.

For Kamala Harris, this divide represents an opportunity: she must maintain her lead among women’s groups opposed to Trump’s policies to hope to retain the White House in 2024.

american elections 2024 donald trump Kamala Harris



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