this pathology from which the actor had always suffered

this pathology from which the actor had always suffered
this pathology from which the actor had always suffered

This Friday, October 4, the news had the effect of a bomb. The actor Michel Blanc died of cardiac arrest following anaphylactic shock after a very serious allergy. But did you know that he suffered from a pathology since birth? We tell you everything!

It is with sadness that we learned on the morning of Friday October 4, 2024 of the death of actor Michel Blanc at the age of 72 following a cardiac arrest as initially revealed by his agent. It was only later that more information was transmitted on what really happened on this famous day of October 3, 2024. Indeed, the causes of the death of the actor known for his role as Jean-Claude Dusse in The Bronzed raised many questions and gave rise to many rumors.

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The actor who had a romantic affair with the singer Lio in the 80s is said to have suffered a significant allergic reaction during a routine examination leading to anaphylactic shock followed by six cardiac arrests, the last of which was unfortunately fatal. A huge actor has passed away, which many personalities from the small and big screen wanted to highlight with the numerous tributes that we have seen on the web in recent days. But did you know that Michel Blanc suffered from hypochondria for many years, a mental disorder which resulted from a pathology from which the actor suffered. We’ll explain!

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Michel Blanc hypochondriac since childhood

The one who was one of the founding members of the Splendid troupe has never hidden his hypochondria. It is also at Figaro in 2010 that he said: “ For a little pain, or a new redness, I consult! I always imagine the worst. There is the fear of death behind… » Anxiety and anguish in the face of illness which in the case of hypochondria becomes obsessive. Much later in 2019, he even confirmed to the magazine TV Star that this disorder only increased over time and that he was more and more afraid of the illness: “ Being closer to the end than the beginning, my hypochondria is not getting any better. At the slightest pain, I imagine the worst » he revealed.

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A psychological disorder which would have been accentuated according to his statements because of the overprotection of his parents who would have been very careful with him since his early childhood. Indeed, for those who did not know, Michel Blanc suffered from a heart condition which would have played a role in his parents’ behavior towards him: “ It (hypochondria) is more linked to the heart murmur detected at my birth. I was raised on cotton. I was constantly told that I was fragile, that doesn’t reassure » he confided to Matchin 2015.

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Michel Blanc suffered from a heart murmur

When he was very young, the actor was diagnosed with a heart murmur, much to the dismay of his parents:“My father would sometimes say to me: “Don’t raise your arms too much in the air because of your heart””the actor revealed about his family life. A” weakness “which would also have had consequences on his schooling and his relationships with other students:“A little tough guy said to me: “You, I’m not even going to beat the shit out of you, you have a heart condition””.

A pathology which therefore made Michel Blanc’s life difficult even though it is important to remember that a heart murmur may have no impact on health and that one can very well live with it without it having any impact. of impact. If the heart murmur can cause shortness of breath in the worst case, it only requires follow-up by a cardiologist. Very rare cases can, however, be indicative of a heart malformation, but this was not a priori the case for Michel Blanc.

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