Weakened buildings in : “We want people to look at their buildings”, says elected official Claire Nison

Weakened buildings in : “We want people to look at their buildings”, says elected official Claire Nison
Weakened buildings in Toulouse: “We want people to look at their buildings”, says elected official Claire Nison

the essential
In , 33 buildings are at risk of collapse and are subject to access and habitation bans. Claire Nison, municipal councilor responsible for building safety, answered our questions.

La Dépêche du Midi: How many buildings are monitored by your services?

Claire Nison: We have around 80 files which are being monitored in Toulouse. This does not mean 80 buildings in danger. This means that they are monitored for work to be done which does not prevent people from living in their homes. So it could be structural problems, problems with weakened walls. However, there is no danger in this matter. But the building safety department ensures that the work is done.

Also read:
Weakened buildings in Toulouse: what future for these buildings?

After the collapse of a building on rue Saint-Rome, the number of reports exploded. For you, is this an awareness?

Yes, we had big increases in reports in 2024 and those due in particular to the danger that there was, but also thanks to the communication actions that I am carrying out with the copro management families. We send a letter every year to the copro management trustee. I am also writing to real estate agencies to ask them to notify us of fragile situations so that we can go there.

Currently, there are 250 reports in 2024 in Toulouse, which represents a sharp increase compared to 2023. Last year, the total was 156. This is an increase which is obviously explained by the events of the month of March. So, it’s interesting for us because we want to have many more reports. We want people to look at their buildings, for people to wonder, for people to worry too and not that it is too late for them to act.

Also read:
Toulouse: they buy an apartment for 300,000 euros and cannot live there or rent it

How many buildings are affected by a ban on access and habitation?

We currently have around thirty buildings which are still prohibited from accessing and living in. This measure can also simply concern an apartment.



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